
We add only main news here, it you want know what is new actualy, see our  
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Od začátku roku jsme se nějak nedostali k aktualitám na našem webu, ale podstatné novinky je možné sledovat na našem facebookovém profilu.

V lednu 2024 odešel téměř v 18 letech za duhový most C.I.B. Cambu Lamleh Legs-Smon. S páníčky Ivetou a Milanem jsme to obrečeli, i když všichni víme, že se Kamík dožil úžasného věku. Nemohlo by tomu tak být, kdyby neměl tak skvělou a obětavou péči svých páníčků. A i když odchod Kamíka pořád ještě nepřebolel, přeci jen bez psího kamaráda nevydrželi a tak se k nim přestěhoval opět prvorozený synek naší Otky
Phugs'dun Lamleh Legs-Smon "Danny". Jsme rádi a přejeme, aby jim i Daneček dělal dlouhá léta radost jako Kami.
V dubnu oslavila 16. narozeniny v dobré pohodě Eyala Lamleh Legs-Smon "Elinka". Elinka už jako každý chlupáč v tomto věku trpí zdravotními neduhy, ale pořád se drží a "na stará kolena" začala být vybíravá v jídle ... takže protihltací miska je schovaná na dně skříně :-)
Přejeme Elince hlavně pevné zdraví, ostatní má od svých páníčků Yvony a Luďka.

Řady našich dubňat postupem času prořídly, tak to musela naše
C.I.B. Nyinche Lamleh Legs-Smon "Otka"
napravit. A tak 14. dubna 2024 přivedla na svět pět bezva malých tibeťáčků ("P" vrh). Štěňata jsme si opravdu užili a věříme, že všem jsme našli bezva domovy. Už jsme téměř u všech byli na "inspekci" a jedna čubinka zůstala doma, aby zaplnila prázdné místo po Yushe a Janče. Říkáme jí "Petunie" (na jiné jméno jsme nepřišli), ale oficiálně se jmenuje Pavati Lamleh Legs-Smon. I Petunka se časem dočká své vlastní stránky na našem webu, tak s námi mějte trpělivost, nestíháme :-)

S Petunií navštěvujeme psí školku, aby se socializovala a něco málo naučila bez podpory Otky a Kerrouše za zády. Jediné, co jí ve školce baví jsou překážky, jinak se nudí, neposlouchá, zdrhá a nechce dělat nic. Pamlsky jsou fuj, občas jí chutná piškot od paní cvičitelky (ano, i já nosím piškoty v kapse, ale ty nejsou tak dobré :-) Taky už má za sebou dvě výstavy v Bratislavě, kde místo pohybu čuchala v trávě a pak nechtěla ukázat zuby ... tak snad to bylo tím, že akorát začala přezubovat ;-)

Budeme se snažit víc vás informovat o dění u nás, ale asi bude fakt lepší, když se občas mrknete k nám na facebook :-)


Since the beginning of the year, we haven't gotten to the news on our website. But important news can you see on our Facebook profile.

In January 2024, at the age of almost 18 years  C.I.B. Cambu Lamleh Legs-Smon "Kami" left ower the rainbow bridge. We were very sad with his owners Iveta and Milan, even though we all know that Kamík lived to a wonderful age. It could not be so if he did not have such excellent and devoted care of his owners. And even though the departure of Kamík still hasn't gotten over them, after all, they couldn't stay without a doggie friend. So the first-born son of our Otka Phugs'dun Lamleh Legs-Smon "Danny" moved to their family. We are happy and wish that Danny will make them as happy as Kami for many years to come.

In April, Eyala Lamleh Legs-Smon "Elinka" celebrated her 16th birthday in good health. Elinka already suffers from health ailments, like every furry at this age, but she still holds on and "in her old age" she started to be picky about her food ... so the anti-swallowing bowl is hidden at the bottom of the cupboard :-)
We mainly wish Elinka good health, the rest she has from her owners Yvona and Luděk.

The ranks of our April "puppies" thinned out over time, so our C.I.B. Nyinche Lamleh Legs-Smon "Otka" had to change it. And so on April 14, 2024, she gave birth to five perfectly small Tibetan people ("P" litter). We really enjoyed the puppies and we believe that we found perfect homes for all of them. We have already been to "inspection" at almost all of them, and one female stayed at home to fill the empty place left by Yusha and Jany. We call her "Petunia" (we haven't come up with another name), but her official name is Pavati Lamleh Legs-Smon. Even Petunka will eventually get her own page on our website, so be patient with us, we can't keep up :-)

Petunia and I visit the doggie school to socialize and learn a little without the support of Otka and Kerry behind her back. The only thing she enjoys there are obstacles, otherwise she gets bored, doesn't listen, procrastinates and doesn't want to do anything. The treats are yuck, sometimes she likes a biscuit from the trainer (yes, I also carry biscuits in my pocket, but they are not that good :-) She already showed in Bratislava for two shows, where she sniffed the grass instead of moving and then she didn't want to show her teeth ... so maybe it was because she just started changing her teeth ;-)

We will try to inform you more about what is going on with us, but it will probably be better if you take a look at us on Facebook from time to time :-)


                     Kerry                                            Otka                                                      "P" litter Legs-Smon                                               Petunie


Our youngest member of the pack Nyinche Lamleh Legs-Smon "Otka" is not only amazing in character, but also beautiful and before she starts to prepare for her first puppies, we fly around the shows a little bit with her. The fact that Otka is very successful is evident by her show results (you can find them on her personal website if you are interested). With the help of Markéta Lukášková, she managed to complete during the summer and the beginning of September: 

Champion ČMKU
Czech Grand Champion

and also the third CAC at the German VDH Champion. 

Her mother Karuna Lamleh Legs-Smon "Kerry" is already bothering the shows, so she is more or less on strike
in the show ring :-) But even so, we percuaded her that to her collection of titles would also fit title
Czech Veteran Champion

Kerryna's daughter Madhyamika Lamleh Legs-Smon "Freya" is taking a show break and we are looking forward to her second puppies in mid-October 2023.


We are back in the show rings from May and our
Nyinche Lamleh Legs-Smon "Otka"
did so well with the owner of Kerry´s grandson Markéta Lukášková. 

Girls finished together titels:
Interchampion (C.I.B.)
Slovak Champion

Also Kerry daughter
Madhyamika Lamleh Legs-Smon "Freya"
was good with her owner Jana Štěpánková and they finished titel:

Polish Champion

Big congratulation to Freya and Jana a thanks Markéta!!!


Madhyamika Lamleh Legs-Smon "Freya"


Nyinche Lamleh Legs-Smon "Otka"

Our black stars left us .... in April - Jany
and in June - Yusha.

We are really sad we lost them both so fast but they stay in our hearts forever!


For us, April 2023 was marked by the celebration of the wonderful birthdays of our children

"Elinka" Eyala Lamleh Legs-Smon celebrated her 15th birthday on 04/05/2023 in good spirits and in good physical condition.
We wish Elinka that she continues to do so well and that she pleases not only us, but especially her beloved owners Yvona and Luděk.

Our "Yusha" D'Yusha Lamleh Legs-Smon celebrated her 16th birthday on 12/04/2023
... her health problems worries us a bit, but our girl is doing great.

"Kamík" Cambu Lamleh Legs-Smon celebrated his amazing 17th birthday on 04/19/2023.
He also has health problems, but he is an old man :-) Otherwise, Kamík enjoys the good mood and excellent care of his owners Iveta and Milan.




Nyinche Lamleh Legs-Smon "Otka"

our young female Otka in the end of 2022 and in January 2023 finished 3 champion titels:
Croatian Beauty Champion
Czech Champion
Polish Champion

Now we have to cancel doggie activities because of the surgery of my knee. But I hope we will be back in the show rings soon.

In this web we will write news about our girls and our breeding plans. Other news you can see in our facebook profile  :-)

09/2022 Club show Smržovka
Ja-lung Lamleh Legs-Smon ... exc. 2 in honour class
Madhyamika Lamleh Legs-Smon ... exc. 1, CAC 
Nyinche Lamleh Legs-Smon ... exc. 1, CAC
Lamleh Legs-Smon ... exc. 1 in honour class

2nd place breeding group

judge: Karel Hořák (CZ)

06-08/2022 Show results
National dog shows Jelenia Gora (PL)
25.6. Otka “Nyinche” exc. 1, CWC, Best female, BOS
26.6. Otka exc. 1, CWC, Best female, BOB, Freya exc. 1, CWC
Four international dog show days in Nitra (SK)
7.7. Otka “Nyinche” exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS, Freya “Madhyamika” exc. 1, CAC, Lung “Jalung” exc. 2 - veteran class
8.7. Otka exc., Freya exc., Lung exc. 1 - veteran class
9.7. Otka exc. 1, CAC, Freya exc. 1, CAC, res. CACIB = CACIB, Lung exc. 1, BOS - veteran class and finished Slovak Veteran Champion title
10.7. Otka exc. 1, CAC, res. CACIB = CACIB, Freya exc. 1, CAC …. Lung had Holiday
IDS + Special TT show Chemnitz - 23.-24.7.
Otka exc. 1, CAC-VDH, CAC both days
IDS Praha - 7.8.2022
Otka “Nyinche” exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS, Freya “Madhyamika” exc. 1, CAC
IDS Mladá Boleslav - 21.8.
Freya “Madhyamika” exc. 1, CAC, res. CACIB and finished Czech Champion
05/2022 IDS Litoměřice
Ja-lung Lamleh Legs-Smon ... exc. 1, Best of Veteran ... and finished Czech Veteran Champion!
Madhyamika Lamleh Legs-Smon ... exc. 1, CAC, res. CACIB!!! 
Nyinche Lamleh Legs-Smon ... exc. 1, CAC

judge: Mgr. Zuzana Brotánková (CZ)


Yusha celebrates 15th Birthday!!!

All the best our sweet old lady, we love you so much and hope we will enjoy your stubborn head and lovely character many years again!!!
  IDS České Budějovice  
Otka (Nyinche) and her brother Max (Nam-rin) were really successful at IDS in České Budějovice.

Max in intermediate class got exc. 1, CAC.
Big congratulation to Max and his owner Eva!

Otka was also in intermediate class and won exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS ... and it was also the last
condition she need to have breeding licence :-)
But she is too joung for puppies ... we will show her, enjoy time together and wait right time.
In this show Otka got also last points she needed to fulfill title Club Champion TTC.

We are really proud to our youngest girl !!!

03/2022 Max and Otka - healthy exams  
Otka and her brother Max (Nam-rin) passed hips, patella and elbow exams with the best results - HD-A, PL-0/0, ED-0/0.
Otka was also in eyes examination and her eyes are ok :-)

I added them to our Galery of the champions and breed dogs from our kennel, but they have to wait for their breeding licence some time ... but I believe they will do it  :-)

02/2022 IDS Brno  
Our Otka (Nyinche) got her first exc. 1, CAC in intermediate class.

JHer brother Max (Nam-rin) gor also exc. 1, CAC in intermediate class and finished title Czech Junior Champion. Congratulations to Max and his owners!!!

    Archive of the news:      

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Other archiv:
We did some funny competitions for TT and their owner after club show. The pictures you can see here: