Pavati Lamleh Legs-Smon

 born: 14/04/2024, 
DNA PLL, CCL, PRA3 a RCD4 - clear by parents
breeder: Ing. Radana Sojková

Petunia is the daughter of our Otka and a very nice dog from a Dutch kennel
Wanted Nice Dog's Xoxo Lamleh "Mint". Mint has a nice pedigree, I have met most of his parents and grandparents personaly. That's why I really liked the combination with our Otka.

Petunia and her siblings were very balanced, very nice and easy-going puppies who had no problem with anything or anyone. From the beginning, I was determined that one of the girls would fill the empty place left by Yusha and Jany. Although I did give myself time to think, Petunia was basically my first and then last choice.

And just like her mother, Otka is a slobbering and drooling dog :-)

Wanted Nice Dog's Xoxo Lamleh    C.I.B., multiCh. Nyinche Lamleh Legs-Smon    
Interchampion (C.I.B.), Czech Grand Champion, Czech Champion, Slovak Champion, Croatian Beauty Champion, Polish Champion, Champion ÈMKU, Czech Junior Champion, Club Champion TTC etc.
* 03.09.2016, sable, white marks, HD-A, PL-0/0, PRA,LL-neg., 
DNA CCL, PLL, PRA3, RCD4 - clear
* 03.11.2020, sable, white marks, HD-A, PL-0/0, ED-0/0,
PRA,LL-neg., DNA CCL, PLL, PRA3, RCD4, PD - clear