"P" vrh (6
"P" litter (6
weeks) |
Už jsme
pořádná banda akčňáků a umíme se i ozvat, když chceme
ven z ohrádky. Baštíme už sami, ale pořád si rádi dáme
"záchuť" od maminy Otky než ona vypucuje naše mističky.
Ochutnali jsme i okurku a taky nebyla špatná, než nám jí
zblajzla Otka :-)
I venku už jsme jako doma a co fakt milujeme, jsou
socializační návštěvy. Sice netušíme, co je
socializační, ale lidi jsou fakt bezva. Mají spoustu
prstů na rukou i nohou na okusování a taky kalhoty na
tahání. Taky už jsme se poprvé svezli autem na návštěvu
ke kamarádům, co od nás bydlí kousek. Takže cesta byla
snesitelná (pro všechny :-)
We are already a real bunch of action guys and we can
even call when we want to go out of the pen. We are
already eat ourselves, but we still like to have a
"taste" from mom Otka before she cleans our bowls. We
also tasted the cucumber and it wasn't bad either,
before Otka she stole and ate it :-)
Also outside we already feel like at home and what we
really love are socializing visits. Although we have no
idea what socialization is, people are really great.
They have lots of fingers and toes to nibble on and
pants to pull. We also took a car ride for the first
time to visit friends who live not far from us. So the
trip was tolerable (for everyone :-) |
* * * |
Pejsek 1 / Male 1
... Phugs'dun Lamleh |
Pejsek 2 / Male 2
... Pang Lamleh |
* * * |
Fenka 1 / Female 1
... Phar-wa Lamleh |
Fenka 2 / Female 2
... Pema Lamleh |
Fenka 3 / Female 3
... Pavati Lamleh |
* * * |
| |