"E" litter Legs-Smon
Dondup Tschörten Sangmo La Mani
A'Naya Lamleh Legs-Smon
puppies were born April
5th 2008 |
Any´s first
puppies were
born on Saturday in the morning - Any has four healthy and nice puppies -
one black and white boy and three females - sable with white marsk, black
and black with white marks. All puppies have very very good families
and we stay in the touch with them. You can their pictures: |
Pictures: |
Dondup Tschörten Sangmo La Mani |
A´Naya Lamleh Legs-Smon |
HD-A, * 13/7/2006 |
HD-A/B, PL-0/0, * 9/6/2003 |
Interchampion, Slovak Grand Champion, Deutcher Champion (VDH),
Slovak and Polish Champion, Club Champion TTC, Cruft's Qualification 2008,
CAC CR, Cro, Slo, BOB
* * * |
I chose for
Any´s first litter young male from german breed.
Dondup is very kind, happy and friendly boy. His father is my
favourite Silgarhi Oberon
"Otis" (white - sable) from english
lamleh line and mother is american lamleh and very successful female
Ch. Sitatara Horpa Tso "Sara" (black). Our
Any´s father is Ch. Silveridge Golden Parson "Phillip" (gold sable and white) who was imported from world-known
english kennel Silveridge and has very very nice and kind character and Any´s
mother is our darling and big sun Ch. Dscho Utra U-ti "Utka" (black). American lamleh will predominate in the pedigree of puppies.
I like this type very much. The puppies have excellent type
with elegant movement, nice head, look and body. But especially they have kind, friendly and funny character like their parents
have. |
puppies from this litter are in their good new homes. But if you are interested in
Tibetan Terrier puppy of our next litter and if you are a person who
wants to give a nice home to our beloved puppies, please contact me
at my e-mail address: legs_smon@centrum.cz
Dondup Tschörten Sangmo
La Mani
(Ge) born:: 13/7/2006,
HD-A, black, white marks
Silgarhi Oberon (GB) born:: 16/10/1999, HD-A, white-sable
Passiflora Bourbon Rose black with white born: 2/24/1998 |
Lehlam Kalyani of Passiflora white & gold, HD-5/5 |
Lehlam Chrysantheme of Passiflora black & white |
Silgarhi Zerlina white-sable born: 9/5/1992 |
Lehlam Rar-Jar HD-A |
Silgarhi Hippolyta HD-A |
Ch. Sitatara Horpa Tso (Ge) born:: 7/11/1999, HD-A,
black |
Schanti's Samson-Lamleh born::
6/14/1997, HD-B, black/silver |
ICh. Schanti's Reggi-Lamleh HD-A, sable |
Ch. A-mas Tsin-Da Ma-ni of Schanti's (Swe) HD-A, sable with white marks |
Sitatara Cakini born::
11/16/1996, HD-A, sable |
ICh. Ba-tu Lamleh von Nama-schu HD-A, gold sable, white marks |
Sambhoga Kaya Gi-Lin's Fahti-Mah (Hol) HD-B, black |
Interchampion, Slovak Grand Champion, Deutcher
Champion (VDH), Slovak and Polish Champion, Club Champion TTC, Cruft's
Qualification 2008, CAC CR, Cro, Slo, BOB
Lamleh Legs-Smon born::
9/6/2003, HD - A/B,
PL-0/0, black

Deutscher, VDH Champion, Deutscher
Silveridge Golden Parson
(GB) born:: 5/15/1998,
HD-A, sable & white

Ch. A-Mas Rigs-Pa Pha-Lam of
Silveridge (Swe) gold
sable born:: 10/23/1991 |
A-Lo black, white and sable
marks |
Ch. A-mas Ti-Tsha Sofi of Dge-Ltas gold |
Silveridge Emery's Dark May (GB) red sable born:: 10/24/1995 |
Eng Ch Su-Khyi Kang Rimpoche
(USA) gold
sable |
Silveridge Dolly Varden white-black |
Czech, Slovak, Polish, Ruminian Champion, Czech
Junior Champion, Club Champion TTC, 3xCACIB, BOB, Winner of special
Utra U-ti
(US) born:: 7/9/2000, HD
- B,black |
Ch. Ka Ta Ya's Nekorra
of Copenhagen
(DK) born:: 12/6/1997, HD -
good, black |
Ch. Malishar's Si-Mo La Dscho Utra (US), ROM, HD - good, black |
Ch. E'Tang-Po Jina Lamleh von Nama-schu (G), HD - A, black |
Dscho Utra Rang Gi Thugs Kar (US) born:: 8/24/1997HD
- good, gold sable, white marks |
Ch. Malishar's Dad-Pa Rinchenpo (US), black, sable marks |
Ch. Dscho Utra Ja-Tsha (US), black |
| |