In Sunday July
26th 2009 we went with our friends to the little summer trip
with our dogs. Me and friend Jana found very nice trip near to
the town Chomutov the direction to the dam Křímov. Ot
was very nice trip in the mountain Krušné Hory. We walked
around 8,5 km long lovely trip in the woods and the meadows. We
met Any´s daughter Elli with her owners and friend Kamina.
Elli was very happy with tibie friends :o)

and our dogs.

and Balu, Jitka and Benny, Luděk and Elli, Radana and Byema (her
owner is Jitka) and Yusha, Yvona and Kamina, Dáša
and Sendy, Jarda and Siddhi, in the seconde row Dáša´s
friend and Jana Jindráčková, right Sendy´s son
with owner from Most (excuse me, I forgot some names :o)
trip was very very agreable and we had nice time with pur dogs.