Holiday - Hungary  (3-12/7/2009)

This year we went to Holiday to the most famous hungarian spa Harkany. Our dogs Dany, Any and Yusha were with us. Uti had Holiday with her daughter Cora in Litvínov :o)) Uti was in the cottage with Cora and her owners some days.

During our travel we visited our slovak friends Martina and Milan Adámek in Bratislava and with their female Bhoomi we were to have the dinner. It was very nice to meet them again.

I don´t like to much to be all day in the wather and that´s why we wevt to some trips. First was the visite of the little town Siklos. Very nice castle is there. 

We went to buy the vin to the village Villány. It´s one of the most famous area of vin. There is one part of the head street with the vin shops. We spouk with the man in the shop hungary-germany-enslich-czech :o)))

Not to far from the town Siklós is Máriagyud. There is very nice pilgrimage place.

In last we visited very very nice town in the south Hungary Pecs. We visited some churchs and walked in the town. It´s very interesting place. We recomanded you to visite this nice place too.


On Sunday we had to go home because Any started her season ... we had the planes to visited our friends in Moravia and they have males :o))) Any is our little monster :o) Hungary is nice countriy!