Birthday Party  ... (16/4/2011)

"C", "D" a "E" litters Legs-Smon

Our party was veery nice. In firt we went with Brukners and Ela with Kamina and friend Bíba and Alice to the trip. Bíba´s owner Jarda took us by car to the mountain little town Meziboří (not so far under my town) and then we went up to the Litvínov. The he went for us by car again and went home.
Any with Dany did new windows with my mom and Uti and Jarda guarded Formánek´s garden :o)


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Then little party waited for us in my flat. Our company was grow from Cora and her owner and Jarda with Uti. It was very nice celebration. Thank to all friends for visit us, for nice present and we look for next party!